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International Humanitarian Without Borders (IHWB)

- Promoting Humanitarian Ideals -

Preserving Bien Hoa Cemetery

The Republic of Vietnam inaugurated its National Military Cemetery at Biên Hòa in 1967, later becoming the burial place for more than 18,300 South Vietnamese soldiers. After April 30, 1975, the People’s Army of Vietnam took control of the cemetery, and it became a military-restricted area for the next 31 years. Families, relatives, and friends were prohibited from visiting their deceased or caring for the graves. It was abandoned without any proper maintenance.

In 2006, the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam made a national-level decree to shift the cemetery to civilian control under the authority of Bình Dương province. This decision opened the cemetery to public access without clear and responsive policy guidance, which caused uncertain feelings for the cemetery’s future. Therefore, people began to exhume about 2,000 remains of their deceased, and the situation continued to deteriorate.

Since 2013, individuals and non-profit organizations have been tirelessly doing all they can to preserve the dignity of a cemetery in the most challenging political climate and restrictive working environment. Even after restoring all the graves, mowing grass, cleaning up the general areas, and cutting unwanted trees, the overall condition of the cemetery remains depressing because of the lack of a dedicated and collaborative long-term schedule for routine care and maintenance.

November 2022

We recognize it is a politically sensitive issue for the host nation and have approached it as an international and humanitarian matter. Our effort continues to reach out to gain the attention of the U.S. government and the governments of countries where there are citizens of Vietnamese descent.

While the effort of cleaning up mildew for each grave, penetrating tree roots and poor drainage systems are leading causes of grave destruction at an alarming rate. In addition, fast-growing wild grass adds to the already depressing climate, echoing through the voices of heartbreaking visitors.

June 2023
February 2024

Today, the Biên Hòa Cemetery is the sacred ground of many American citizens' sons, brothers, uncles, fathers, and grandfathers. Their loved ones' ultimate sacrifices are always remembered.

We are collaborating with all concerned to bring the best possible resources available to work on restoring and upkeep this cemetery and healing the emotional wound of war. The collective effort is to conform to and respect Vietnamese rituals and traditions.

Our ongoing project is of immense significance and is dedicated to preserving the dignity of thousands laid to rest at this cemetery. As of December 2022, there are more than 16,400 graves, of which approximately 2,000 have been renovated with marble stones by their families. This leaves more than 14,000 graves, built with cement finish surface, to be cared for with the goodwill of donors and volunteers. Notably, 55% of these graves are without a headstone, underscoring the endurance of our mission.

IHWB’s annual plan is to clean and repaint (whitewash) at least 50% of the graves. Over the past decade, neither individual nor organization could achieve 100% repainting annually alone. This highlights the critical need for cooperation and collaboration. With your support, we can make a significant difference in preserving the deceased's dignity.

The rainy season, typically from mid-May to mid-October, reduces the number of workable days a year; however, other tasks can be worked on, such as cleaning up general areas and fixing damaged graves.

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January 2024
March 2024

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Tustin, CA 92780